As Level Media Magazine
21 April 2010
7 Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to full product?
As I had done media at GCSE I knew about some of the conventions of magazines, which helped me with the preliminary task. I wanted to use a direct mode of address as I think it draws in the reader. I also understood that when a magazine is in a shop, sometimes the only thing that can be seen is the masthead so it must be distinctive and eye catching. I researched a few other magazines for layout and made a brief sketch of what I wanted to do before creating the magazine. From the preliminary task I learnt that planning and research was very important and so is audience feed back because when making the school magazine I did not plan fully and therefore did not create a realistic magazine cover. For my music magazine I made sure that I planned each page, although as I went through I made a few changes and improvements. I also took audience feed back and changed some of the design and text so it was more appealing to my target audience.
The picture I have used for the preliminary was very rushed and not edited well, it helped me understand that editing was a vital part as the image is a main selling point of a magazine. I made sure that I edited the photo on my front cover well to give it the correct look I was after for my magazine. The layouts of the magazines are quite similar although on the front cover the preliminary task there are not as many articles. The music magazine cover looks more realistic in terms of layout and is busier making it more interesting to look at. The fonts used on the front cover are specifically aimed at the audience of 11-18 years and the fun bold masthead reflects this. The rest of the fonts are quite formal and easy to read. For my music magazine I wanted to use striking fonts that made an impact and were bold. For the rest of the copy I wanted to use something more relaxed and fun. I learnt that you need to make sure that all the elements used on the front covers must be appropriate or aimed at you target audience.
I also understand that the two magazines had very different purposes and that the school magazine would probably have been independently distributed for free by the school.
6 What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I used my digital camera to take pictures for my magazine. I can use my camera with ease, however I did learn about the shutter speed and how to change it on my camera. I also learnt how to change the setting if you are outdoors, if its sunny, if your indoors etc to make the maximum of the light available.
We were given Mac computers to use for this task and before this I had never used a Mac computer and was very nervous in doing so. After a few basic tutorials I was able to use it with ease and through out this task my confidence has grown and I am capable of using quite a few of its features. I have learnt how to change preferences, move documents from desktop to memory stick. In particular I have learnt how to use Photoshop and InDesign. I had used Photoshop a little in GCSE and could do basic image manipulation but when editing the images for my magazine I learnt how to use filters, healing brush tool, burn and doge tools, blemish removing tool and how to download and install brushes using I had never used InDesign before the preliminary task and found it a very useful programme. I learnt how to use layers effectively and create a professional looking magazine. I learnt about the leading and kerning and how to change the stroke around the text. I downloaded some fonts from and used them in my work. Through using InDesign I now understand why it is used to make magazines in the print industry.
Another skill I learnt was blogging using Through this project I have learnt how to post text, videos and pictures. I also learnt how to make slideshow and post them on my blog using the image hosting site I was surprised at how easy it is to set up and use blogger and think it is a good way to display work. I used a Flipshare video camera and found it was very easy to use and was very useful for short video clips of analysis.
4 Who would be the audience for your media product?
- TopShop
- Vintage
- Scrubs
- Charity shops
- Black coffee
- A love of festivals
- Gigs
- Smokes
- Itunes
A recipe for a typical BeatThief reader’s weekend:
A pinch of high street chic
Pouch of tobacco
Money (and lack of it)
As much alcohol as you can handle
Student attitude
Added vintage style
House parties
Step 1
Take one pinch of high street chic and add a sprinkling of vintage style and blend together with charity shop know how. Allow several hours for preparation (for males and females). Locate a house party, douse liberally with alcohol and arrive late but looking amazing. Roll and smoke some cigarettes. Add more alcohol. Dance to music. Have a good time.
Step 2
Mix trying to find a taxi and being drunk at 6 am, finish with stumbling through the front door and getting into bed fully clothed. Take not getting up before 2pm, mix with a bacon sandwich and 2 paracetamol. Place in bed for the rest of the day.
Step 3
Read BeatThief for latest music news and watch a bit of TV as they are running a back-to-back Friends marathon. Book gig tickets for next week, even though there is no student load to pay and you are going to have to use the overdraft.
3 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
2 How does your media product represent particular social groups?
These images show similar images of young women. They both have flowing long hair that is swept across their faces. They both have a direct mode of address. The model on the front cover of Wonderland is turned slightly to the right and her hair is parted on the right where as my model is facing straight on and has her hair parted to the left. For my image I edited her skin to remover all blemishes and even out her skin tone. The Wonderland model is in black and white except for her eyes and lips.